
15th Generation Nursing Students Completes Their Course...

29-Oct-2024 09:16 AM

Wednesday, October 6, 2024 Lt. Gen. Chan Daravuth, Deputy Director of the Health Department of the General Department of Logistics and Finance, Ministry of National Defense, participated in the final examination of the 15th generation of primary nurses in the 2023-2024 academic year of the 4th Mi...

Lt. Gen. Moeung Ponlok Chairs the Meeting on the Support for Joint Exe...

29-Oct-2024 08:55 AM

On the morning of Friday, October 1, 2024, At the General Department of Logistics and Finance of the Ministry of National Defense, a final meeting was held to discuss the final preparation on the budget and equipment requirements, attended by all sub-committee, to ensure the readiness for the joint ...

Medicines and Medical Devices of 4th Quarter...

29-Oct-2024 07:49 AM

Major Vann Dayo, an officer of Department of Health, Department General of Logistics and Finance, Cambodian Ministry of National Defence,  delivered medicines and medical devices of the 4th quarter of year 2024 to units of Military Region 1.  ...

Lt. Gen. Nuon Sokho Hands Over the Petrol Station...

15-Oct-2024 16:19 PM

On the morning of Thursday, October 10, 2024, Lt. Gen. Nuon Sokho, Director of the Department of Petrol, on behalf of His Excellency Lt. Gen. Moeung Ponlok, Director General of the Department of Logistics and Finance, Ministry of National Defense, attended the handover ceremony of the Petrol Station...

LTG Moeung Ponlok Participates in 9-Month Report Achievement Meeting...

15-Oct-2024 16:00 PM

On the afternoon of 9 October 2024, LTG Moeung Ponlok, the Director General of General Department Logistics-Finance, Ministry of National Defense, participated the meeting on the 9-month achievements of the Ministry. The meeting was presided over by General Tea Seiha, the Deputy Prime Minister, Mini...

H.E Lieutenant General Moeng Ponlok Inspects Logistic Center, Petrol S...

12-Sep-2024 09:27 AM

On the morning of Friday, September 6, 2024, H.E Lieutenant General Moeng Ponlok, Director General of the General Department of Logistics and Finance, accompanied by colleagues, presided over the inauguration ceremony of the Petrol Station in the Logistic Center of 4th Division, Siem Reap province. ...

LTG Moeng Ponlok Joins Division 2 Visit with Minister of Defense...

27-Aug-2024 08:32 AM

Sunday 25 August 2024: Lieutenant General Moeng Ponlok, Director-General of the General Department of Logistics and Finance of the Ministry of National Defence led delegates of the General Department to accompany General Tea Seiha, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of National Defense of Cambodia, vis...


17-Aug-2024 20:33 PM



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12-Apr-2020 03:53 AM



07-Apr-2020 23:47 PM


MOND Receives 10 Tons of Alcohol for COVID-19 Prevention...

07-Apr-2020 23:13 PM

Ministry of National Defense received 10 tons of alcohol from M.H Bio-Energy CO.,LTD. in help fight against the spread of COVID-19.  The handover has done in the morning of 7 April 2020 and was witnessed by General Kong Saly, the director of Department of Health of General Department of Logi...

MOND Receives Supplies for Covid-19 Response...

02-Apr-2020 00:02 AM

In the morning of 1 April 2020, General Sum Samnang, who is the Director General of Logistics and Finance of Ministry of National Defense, along with colleagues, received medical supplies from People Liberation Army of China donated to Cambodian Defense Ministry. This is the second round of assis...

Golden Dragon Proceeds with Prevention Against Covid-19...

22-Mar-2020 23:10 PM

Madam LTG Ouk Dara, Deputy Director General of Logistics and Finance, Ministry of National of Defense of Cambodia, attended Cambodian-Chinese military exercise in Kampot Province known as Golden Dragon on 18 March 2020. During the exercise Colonel Chan Thirin, team leader from Chinese side, deliv...

Students at Army Institute and ATC Receive Eating Plate...

22-Mar-2020 22:17 PM

In the morning of 12 March 2020, Lieutenant General Tan Thana, Deputy General Director of Logistics and Finance, who is also the Director of Department of Supplies, led a delegate to monitor, instruct and improve life-sustaining activities at Army Institute and Army Training Center. The General a...

Various Units Receive Cows For their Good Achievement...

18-Mar-2020 05:52 AM

At the end of first quarter of 2020, Department of Supplies, Ministry of National Defense, monitore and evaluated 5 units on their management on eateries and self-sustaining activities. The units include Artilery Headquarter, Tank Headquarter, Military Region 3 Headquarter, Naval Base Headquarter an...

Lieutenant General Ly Kosal Presides Over the Dissemination of Special...

04-Mar-2020 19:35 PM

Lieutenant General Ly Kosal, deputy general of Logistics and Finance of Ministry of National Defense, dessiminated information about specialized budget for year 2020 and gave instructions on strategic plans for year 2021.  Under the framework of public financial management of Cambodia, Royal...

General Sum Samnang Delivers Best Wishes to Chinese Military Attaché ...

18-Jan-2020 16:34 PM

On the morning of 17 January 2020, General Sum Samnang, the Director General of Logistics and Finance, led delegate to visit and deliver best wish to Chinese Military Attach'e at Chinese Embassy to Phnom Penh during the Lunar New Year occasion.  Special Colonel LY CHING FENG, head of Chi...

General Sum Samnang Delivers Best Wishes to Vietnamese Military Attach...

18-Jan-2020 16:24 PM

In the morning of 17 January 2020, General Sum Samnang, the Director General of Logistics and Finance, lead delegate to visit and deliver best wishes to Vietnamese Military Attach'e during Lunar New Year Occasion. During this visit, Colonel VIENG THAN CHING, the head of the attach'e, expr...

Daun Tey Health Center Opened Near Cambodian-Vietnam Land Border...

19-Dec-2019 04:09 AM

Wednesday 18 December 2019: Daun Tey Cambodian-Vietnam Friendship Health Center was opened in Daun Tey village, Tuol Sdey commune, Chantrea district, Svay Rieng province. During the event, an humanitarian disaster response exercise was also conducted between the two military and presided ove...


05-Nov-2019 07:00 AM


MOND Medical Team Joins Mission with Samdech Techo Medical Team...

11-Oct-2019 23:36 PM

Medical team of Ministry of National Defence joined mission with Samdech Techo Medical Team and provided humanitarian assistance to local residents in Battalion 392, Rong Roeung village, Toek Krohorm commune, Choam Ksan district, Preah Vihear province on 6 October 2019. The teams provided 42 mino...

Flood at Border Does not Interfere Food Supplies at Border...

15-Sep-2019 08:25 AM

Flood along Sekong River has caused the flood to warehouse of some facilities storing food supplies, and kitchen wares, requiring relocation to higher areas. The flood was due to bad weather and raining along the area, especially in Lao. The raining started since 3 August 2019 along the border...

Army Team in MR5 Negotiates Foodstuff Supplies ...

02-Sep-2019 08:30 AM

29 August 2019: Teams from Supplies Department in charge of Military 5 and from the Army of Region 5 met to negotiate on foodstuff supplies contract for the region. This is the effort to improve quality, quantity and calories in food amoung Cambodian military. ...

One-To-One Delivers Civic Action Again...

24-Aug-2019 04:58 AM

On the morning of 21 September 2019, medical team from One-To-One organization of Singapore, led by Lieutenant General Madam Top Saran, Deputy Director General of Logistics and Finance, returned to Cambodia and delivered medical checkup to local residents in Trapeang Seh village, Kok Chork quarter, ...

Transportation Brigade 99 Continues to Improve Truck Warehouses...

18-Aug-2019 04:52 AM

On 15 August 2019, LtG Madam Uk Dara, deputy general director of Logistics and Finance, led gender working group to visit Brigade 99 and to listen to achievement on gender activities of the brigade. After receiving updates on the gender activities, LTG Uk Dara toured around the premise of the bri...

Intervention Unit of MR1 Responds to Disaster in Lumphat District...

11-Aug-2019 05:27 AM

Intervention Unit of Military Region 1 utilized speed boats to help evaculate flood victims in Lumphat district, Ratanakiri province. The flood affected around 1,000 houses, some of the houses were completely under water. The flood was caused by low pressure weather and raining. River in this ...

Malaria Prevention Strengthened in Region 1...

03-Aug-2019 23:31 PM

​Due to the increased prevalance of malaria among our soliders along military region 1, Department of Health, dispatched a medical team to provide more preventive measures and mosquito nets to soldiers and their families in the region 1.  Ministry of Health and Ministry of Defense have been ...

102 Medical Trainee Attend Final Exam...

24-Jul-2019 18:29 PM

102 medical trainees took exam to finish medical training course in Military Region 1, located in Stung Treng province, from 8 to 9 July 2019. Trainees who passed their exam would be set to serve in the areas within military region 1. Examination committees are from medical staff of Department...

DOH Hosts the 9th ACMMC ...

09-Jul-2019 20:10 PM

Department of Health, General Department of Logistics and Finance, Ministry of National Defense of Cambodia, hosted the 9th ASEAN CHIEFS OF MILITARY MEDICINE CONFERENCE (ACMMC) at Himawary Hotel, Phnom Penh from June 24 to 27, 2019 under the theme of "Disaster Impacts and Military Medicine&rsqu...

Brigade 99 Participate in Building Collapse in Preah Sinanouk Province...

23-Jun-2019 23:47 PM

In the afternoon of Sunday 23 June 2019, Department General of Logistics and Finance, Ministry of National Defence, sent personnel and equipment from Brigade 99 to help victims of building collapse in Preah Sihanouk Province. The brigade dispatched 6 trucks, 1 ambulances, 35 personnel to the loca...

MR3 Team Inspect Training Schools...

05-Jun-2019 03:13 AM

28 May 2019: Standing Unit at Military Region 3 visited 2 training courses to monitor life support activities for students and instructors.  The two courses are about training of trainers for 91 days and basic training for 181 days. The monitoring is a regular activities to ensure student...

Border Units Along Lao Border Construct Their Food Supplies Warehouse...

22-May-2019 17:24 PM

To ensure sufficient and quality food supplies, units along Lao border, Stung Treng province, constructed their warehouse for food storage before raining season starts. These areas currently can receive supplies from land and water way transport.  In the past, a concrete bridge was damage...

Cambodian-Lao Border Units Receive Supplies for Quarter 2, 2019...

10-Apr-2019 18:30 PM

Supplies Deliver Team of Supplies Department delived rices and goods to units stationed along Cambodian and Lao border. This is important to happen before rainy season. The transfer was conducted in presence of 3 parties to ensure quality, quantity and transparency.  The units also reciev...

LTG Kong Chan Presents Certificates to 16 Units with Good Agriculture ...

22-Feb-2019 17:40 PM

13 February 2019: Lieutenant General Kong Chan, deputy director general of Logistics and Finance, in charge of logistics for Military Region 1, attended annual meeting on achievement of 2018 and goals of 2019, conducted at military region 1, Stung Treng Province. The event was presided over by Lieut...

Brigade 99 Prepared for El Noni...

15-Feb-2019 03:23 AM

11 February 2019: Brigade 99, under Department General of Logistics and Finance, prepared and organized equipment, machines, water types, and trucks, in order to help people in some areas where drought might occur. Cambodian Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorologoy forecasted that Cambodia ma...

14th Chinese Medical Team Arrives at Preah Ketomealea...

13-Feb-2019 21:19 PM

Morning of 27 January 2019: LtG Pich Chhoeun, deputy director general of Logistics and Finance, Ministryo of National Defense of Cambodia, visited Preah Ketomealea Hospital to thank 13th team and to welcome the 14th medical team from People Liberation Army of China who came to train Cambodian medica...

General Sum Samnang Visits Vietnamese Military Attache...

30-Jan-2019 01:27 AM

Morning of 29 January 2019: General Sum Samnang, Director General of Logistics and Finance, led a delegate to visit and wish Vietnamese People's Army during Lunar New Year season at Military Attach'e in Phnom Penh. Special Colonel Nguyen Thanh Chinh, chief of the attach'e, expressed h...

General Sum Samnang Visits Chinese Military Attache...

30-Jan-2019 01:21 AM

Morning of 29 Jan 2019: General Sum Samnang, Director General of Logistics and Finance led a delegate to visit and wish at military attach'e of Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) to Cambodia During the visit, chief of the attach'e Colonel LI NINGYA  expressed his thanks ...

No Malaria Positive Found in Lebanon Returnees...

29-Jan-2019 21:03 PM

Phnom Penh International Airport, 29 January 2019: Medical team from Health Department, Department General of Logistics and Finance, under cooperation with National Center for Parasitology Entomology and Malaria Control, and National Centre for Peacekeeping Forces and Explosive Remnants...

Border Patrolling Soldiers Receive Patrol Bags...

23-Jan-2019 17:18 PM

Recently, officers and soldiers being stationed along Cambodian-Lao border received patrol package from Department of Health, General Department of Logistics and Finance. The units that received the bags are located in Sub-Operational Zone of Stung Treng Province and Brigade 128. ...

Medical Team of DOH Checks and Treat Soldiers along Cambodian Lao Bord...

02-Jan-2019 02:15 AM

Medical team from Department of Health, Ministry of Defense, conducted checkup and treatment for soldiers stationing along O Alay and O Pak Sorng, Cambodian-Lao border. This is to provide services and continuous rehearsal of all medical staff from DOH and local areas. ...

Health Department Holds Meeting on Malaria Elimination...

18-Dec-2018 04:56 AM

From 13 to 14 December 2018, Officers from Department of Health, conducted meeting to dessiminate situation of malaria year 2018 and goals for 2019 among Cambodian soldiers.  The meeting was held at Sub-Operational Zone of Pursat province and participated by 92 persons (88 military offi...

Anlung Veng Sub-Operational Zone Contributes to Improve Nutrition...

07-Dec-2018 21:29 PM

Recently, Life Support Team leader of Sub-Operational Section monitored life support activities in Anlung Veng area including company 4, 5, 6 and 7. The above units were seen actively contribute to the increase of nutrituion level and calories. ...

30 Solders from MINUSCA Infected with Malaria...

22-Nov-2018 20:35 PM

5 November 2018: Medical staff from Health Department, Department General of Logistics and Finance, Ministry of National Defense, conducted blood test for returnees of Engineering Company 954 who completed their mission to Central African Republic (MINUSCA). The total returnee is 137, including 12 f...

Another Military Nurse Training Completed...

26-Oct-2018 21:40 PM

Nurse Training Course, promotion 12 of Military Region 5, was concluded on 25 and 26 October 2018 with 105 students who had to go through theories and practice to show their ability after their 18 months lessons If successfully passed, they will work as nurses at where they come from.​ MG Chan...

Good Yield Gained in Region 5...

18-Oct-2018 21:45 PM

Multiple units in Military Region 5 harvested good vegetable yield this year due to their good management of soil, fertilization and water. ...

Preah Ketomealea Builds Another Building Under Its Own Budget...

18-Sep-2018 23:48 PM

14 September 2018: General Sum Samnang, the Director General of Logistics and Finance of Ministry of National Defense, inspected a construction of another building that Preah Keto Mealea is constructing under its own budget to meet the needs being increase from day to day. ...

Battalion 128 Changes Its Subbordinate Unit Location Due to Flood...

18-Sep-2018 23:34 PM

13 to 17 September 2018: Battalion 284 and 285 of Brigade 128, stationing along Cambodia-Lao border, adjusted their locations due to multiple flood. ...

Brigade 99 Provides Training on Heavy Truck Driving and New Traffic La...

18-Sep-2018 23:19 PM

7 September 2018: Brigade 99, which is in charge of transportation, provided training to their soldiers on heavy truck driving skills and new traffic law. ...

Soliders in Region 1 Increase Capacity of Drug Issues...

13-Sep-2018 20:31 PM

Friday, 7 September 2018: Department of Health, in collaboration with Inspection Department of Ministry of National Defense of Cambodia, conducted awareness raising activities on illicit drug issues and its impacts as well as effort in counter-drug. 73 participants from military region 1, Stung T...

Technical Office Tests Blood of UNPKO Returnees...

03-Sep-2018 18:39 PM

Technical Office of Health Department, Department General of Logistics-Finance joined National Center for Parasitology, Entomology and Malaria Control to test the blood of Cambodian soldiers returning from UN Peacekeeping Operation in Mali and South Sudan. 1 of the 51 soldiers has positiive resul...

Naval Unit Undergone Monitoring of Life Support...

21-Aug-2018 03:25 AM

9 August 2018: Life Support Team visited Naval units to see their progresses and management in eatery and kitchen wares as well as cooking skills. ...

Life Support Team Pays Attention to Food Quality...

18-Aug-2018 23:58 PM

14 August 2018: Life Support Team of Supplies Department conducted a monitoring and evaluation visit to units in Military Region 3. The visit aimed at checking progress and implementation of eatery and kitchen management for the last 9 months. Results showed the increaising attention for cooking,...

Brigade 128 Opens Refreshment Course for Supplies Personnel...

18-Aug-2018 03:09 AM

On 13 August 2018, at headquarter of Brigade 128, Strung Treng Commune, Stung Treng district of Stung Treng province, there was a training course opening for battalion and company levels. The event was presided over by Bragadier General Norng Mony and attended by officers from Department of Supplies...

Heart and Cardiovascular Department Renders Civic Actions...

22-Jun-2018 21:58 PM

From 16 to 19 June 2018, medical team of Chinese People's Liberation Army conducted civic action with Preah Ketomealea Hospital.  Many people have used service rended by Heart and Cardiovascular Department. ...

Medical Team Improves Efficiency Through the Use of Motorbikes...

22-Jun-2018 21:38 PM

On 16 June 2018, a medical team of Department of Health, Department General of Logistics and Finance, Ministry of National Department of Cambodia, was deployed to provide checkup for malaria and HIV for soldiers stationing along areas of Cambodia-Lao border, using motorbikes. This type of deploym...

Chinese Military to Conduct a Humanitarian Action in June 2018...

04-Jun-2018 03:11 AM

Delegate of Chinese People's Liberation Army led by Col Cheng Chuanmiao, deputy rector of People's Liberation Army Navy Medical University, along with other 7 members, conducted a visit and discussion with General Sum Samnang, Director General of Logistics and Finance, Ministr...

Brigade 52: Great Example of Vegetable Grower...

21-May-2018 17:39 PM

Growing vegetable and raising animal is one of the activities for health, self-sustainment, and supplement to RCAF's allowance. Brigade 52 has shown its great examples in vegetable grower. Growing their own garden gives them a good feeling. ...

Officers from Supplies Department Inspect Transportation of Soldiers...

21-May-2018 03:38 AM

14 May 2018: Officers from Supplies Department monitored transporation of soldiers from training schools to their respective units. The inspection was also aiming at check the use of uniforms and other allowances, making sure that everyting is done effectively and transparently. Outstanding of...

6 Units Military Region 1 Receives Kitchen Wares...

21-May-2018 03:12 AM

6 Unites under Military Region 1 received kitchen wares. They were sub-operation zones in Mondulkiri, Ratanakiri, Stung Treng, Brigade 128, and Military Region 1 HQ.  ​​​​​​​ ...

8th ACMMC Concludes in Singapore...

16-May-2018 18:51 PM

The 8th ASEAN Chiefs Of Military Medicine Conference (ACMMC) was concluded on 11 May 2018 in Singapore. The ten delegations which attended the conference come from Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, the Philippines, Brunei, Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia and Indonesia. The ACMMC is an annual mee...

Brigade 99 Transfers Soldiers Stationed at Border...

15-May-2018 20:42 PM

Recently, Brigade 99 of Transportation, General Department of Logistics and Finance, were busy moving around solders who stationed at border back to their respective units. ...

GD Logistics Supports Neak Meas Exercise...

22-Apr-2018 21:47 PM

General Department of Logistics and Finance supported Neak Meas Exercise which was conducted from 17 to 30 March 2018 between Royal Cambodian Armed Forces with Chinese People Military. ...

Training Mission Modern Medical Equipment Completed...

23-Feb-2018 17:47 PM

Medical team or doctors have frequent training missions to Preah Keto Mealea Hospital, a Cambodian military hospital located in Phnom Penh. Their missions aim strengthening capacity of the hospital. Recently, another mission was conducted on how to use mordern medical equipment.  As anoth...


05-Feb-2018 22:46 PM

Morning of 6 February 2018, General Sum Samnang led a delegate of General Department of Logistics and Finance to pay a wishing visit to Vietnamese military attaché to Cambodia during Vietnamese Lunar Year. ...

General Sum Samnang Makes a Wishing Visit to Chinese Military Attaché...

05-Feb-2018 22:35 PM

Morning of 6 February 2018, General Sum Samnang led a delegate of General Department of Logistics and Finance to pay a wishing visit to Chinese military attaché to Cambodia during Chinese Lunar Year. ...

General Tan Thana Visits Schools and Training Centers...

02-Feb-2018 21:18 PM

In January 2018, LTG Tan Thana, Director of Supplies Department, Cambodian Ministry of Defense, led a team of Logistics to monitor and evaluate life support activites, including sleeping and eating areas for trainees.  The activities started since many years ago. ...

Gen Ly Kosal Disseminates Information on Specialized Budget for 2018...

26-Jan-2018 19:49 PM

26 Jan 2018: LTG Ly Kosal, Deputy Director General of Logistics and Finance, held meeting to give instruction on specialized budget allocation for year 2018 and on preparation for program budget, project proposals for year 2019. ...

Brigade 99 Opens New Heavy Truck Driving...

28-Dec-2017 18:53 PM

27 December 2017: Transport Brigade 99 opened the 4th course on heavy truck driving.  The Brigade is under General Department of Logistics and Finance, Ministry of National Defense of Cambodia, and it has been active in humanitarian activities. ...

Infantry Brigade 41 Has Outstanding Agriculture Activities...

27-Nov-2017 07:03 AM

To improve quality of food, especially nutrition from local areas, infantry brigade 41 has put outstanding effort to grow diversified crops and plants and raise chickens, dugs and fish. ...

Mobile Medical Team of DOH Treats with Region 1...

29-Oct-2017 18:02 PM

Mobile Medical Team of Department of Health, Ministry of Defence of Cambodia, and mobile medical team of military region 1 conducted humanitarian treatment to residents living in Battalion 42, Ratanakiri and Mondulkiri provinces. 387 citizens received the treatment. The treatment was made availab...

Statement to Support the Action of Authorities Against Kem Sokha...

03-Sep-2017 04:39 AM

We, officers of General Department of Logistics-Finance, Ministry of National Defense, are in support of actions of authorities who arrested Kem Sokha, director of CNRP, who have colluded with foreigners and opposition NGOs to topple legitimate government of Cambodia. We condemn this batrayal mov...

MOD Mobile Medical Team Jointly Conducts Treatment...

06-Aug-2017 18:35 PM

Recently, MOD Mobile Medical Team jointly conducted a checkup and treatment with One to One NGO at various provinces such as Kampong Thom, Siem Reap, Preah Vihear, Batteay Mean Chey and Preah Sihanouk, providing treatment for more than one thousand local residents. ...

Wishing Message of General Sum Samnang for General Tea Banh...

29-Jul-2017 07:27 AM

Translation of the above wishes: Best Wishes to General Tea Banh, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of National Defense For the Grand of Title as Samdech Pichei Sena Tea Banh (Triumph Troop Commander Tea Bahn) by His Majesty King Norodom Sihamon, King of Kingdom of Cambodia. May Samd...

Front Unit of Supplies Delivers Supports to Cambodian Lao Border Soldi...

07-Jul-2017 20:03 PM

Soldiers in Military Region 1, stationing along recently disputed area along Cambodian and Loa border, received additional supports. Despite of difficult access, support team made their ways through rough road and water way. ...

Brigade 99 Opens Another Large Truck Drivingl Course...

07-Jul-2017 19:54 PM

In the morning of 3rd July 2017, LTG Pich Chhoeun, deputy director of General Department of Logistics and Finance, presided over the opening ceremony of large truck driving course at Brigade 99. Brigade 99 is under the General Department of Logistics and Finance, and responsible for transportatio...

One to One NGO Delivers Checkups and Treatment...

07-Jul-2017 19:43 PM

On 26 June, Madam Top Saron, Deputy Director of General Department of Logistics and Finance have led a team and a UK-based NGO called One to One to provide checkup and treatment to local residents in Svay Rieng Province Later on, the team will move to Siem Reap, Preah Vihea, Batteay Meanchey and ...

LTG Tan Thana Visit Life Support Activities, June 2017...

10-Jun-2017 21:39 PM

On 9 June 2017, Life Support Team visitied RCAF Development Center and Army Institute to monitor life support activities. Both orgnizations have demonated an outstanding efforts and achievements in growing fruit trees, vegetable and seedling The team was led by LTG Tan Thana, director of ...

Medical Team of Department of Health Provides Services in Division 3...

17-May-2017 09:27 AM

Mebile Medical Team of Health Department of General Department of Logistics and Finance, Cambodian Ministry of National Defense, has conducted medical checkup and treatment to military members, families and general local residents in Division 3 from 16 to 18 May 2017.   Services were...

Medical Team Provides Treatment During Khmer New Year 2017...

11-Apr-2017 17:54 PM

During the first week of April 2017,  a mobile medical health team was dispatched to provide medical checkup and treatment for local residents living in Cambodian-Thai border. As a result, the team served 554 visitors (185 males and 368 females), providing with services of small surgery,...

Health Units Receive More Microscopes and Equipment...

09-Apr-2017 20:59 PM

In the effor to continue the elimination of malaria in Cambodia, 26 units received more office equipment, 10 sets of computers, 24 microsopes. The handover was presided over by Lieutenant General Kong Saly early April 2017 at Department of Health, Ministry of Denfense of Cambodia. ...

H.E Ek Sam Ol Receives Treatment for Lumbar Foraminal Stenosis...

05-Mar-2017 01:32 AM

5 March 2017, H.E Ek Sam Ol, advisor to Prime Minister Hun Sen, also the president of Cambodian Chinese Friendship Association received treatment for lumbar foraminal stenosis, using Endoscopic Lumbar Foraminotomy technique at Preah Keto Mealea Hospital; the treatment was performed among experts ...

Chinese Military Provides Anti-Venom Drugs...

02-Feb-2017 04:15 AM

1 February 2017: Department of Health, General Department of Logistics and Finance, received anti-venom drugs from Chinese military medical team at the quantity of 700 boxes in addition to 1,000 boxes previously donated. Department director LTG Kong Saly thanked the team and described the rea...

General Sum Samnang Wishes Vietnamese Military Attach’e...

02-Feb-2017 04:06 AM

Morning of 23 Jan 2017: General Sum Samnang, General Director of General Department of Logistics and Finance, conducted a visited and offered wishes to Vietnamese military attaché to Cambodia for their Lunar New Year. ...

General Sum Samnang Wishes Chinese Military Attach’e...

02-Feb-2017 03:55 AM

Morning of 23 Jan 2017: General Sum Samnang, General Director of General Department of Logistics and Finance, conducted a visited and offered wishes to Chinese military attaché to Cambodia for the Lunar New Year. ...

Major General Duong Vary Delivers Awards...

02-Feb-2017 03:42 AM

13 Jan 2017: Major General Duong Vary, deputy director of supplies department, under General Department of Logistics and Finance, delivered awards, rewards and complimentary letters to units who have performed outstandingly during 2016. Parts of the activities are to ensure good life supports...

Life Support Team Visits Basic Training School...

18-Dec-2016 05:23 AM

On 15 December 2016, Live Support Team conducted a visit to basic training school as a part of its activities to monitor and evaluate progresses and improvement in leveraging life quality of Cambodian soldiers. As seen in these photos, all logistics activities especially relating to food,...

Plasmodium Falciparum Found in 9 Engeering Personnel from Sourth Afric...

10-Dec-2016 02:29 AM

On 4 November 2016, at Cambodian Airbase, medical staff from Department of Health, General Department of Logistics and Finance, Ministry of National Defense, joined the tasks with ministry of health to conduct malaria screening for returned engineering personnel from South Africa. 9 of 185 so...

Life Support Team Visit Krang Chek Body Guard Headquarter...

18-Oct-2016 20:37 PM

Life Support Team led by LTG Tan Thana, the deputy director general of logistic and finance, conducted a visit to Krang Chek Body Guard Headquarter to follow up and monitor warehouse, clinics and life support activities. ...

Updates and Progress Continued at Preah Ketomealea...

23-Aug-2016 21:47 PM

Preah Ketomealea continues to improve and expand its activities and service coverage which include: Outpatient consultation Emergency department ENT-Dental-Ophthalmology Department of gastro-enterology Department of general medicine and ICU Department of card...

Medical Staff of MOD Cooperates with Pacific Angel 16...

15-Jun-2016 20:01 PM

Medical staff from MOD of Cambodia cooperated with members of Pacific Angel 16-2, starting from 11 June 2016 in Kampot province. Since then, working group has provided free checkup and treatment to local residents. Members are from Health Department of MOD of Cambodia, Preah Ketomealea Hospit...

Preah Ketomealea Hospital Improving its Facility...

10-Jun-2016 07:51 AM

Preah Ketomealea, a military hospital known as Pet Thom or Pet 179, has been improving its service and reputation very fast. Currently, the hospital is renovating facilites, and installing new and modern equipment. During the past few years, the Preah Ketomealea has been actively conducted tr...

Brigade 99 Holds Wrap-up Meeting on Water Transportation...

06-Jun-2016 08:56 AM

On the morning of 6 June 2016, Transportation Brigade 99 of Department General of Finance and Logistics of Cambodian Ministry of Defense has conducted a wrapped up meeting on achievement of humanitarian activities in transporting water for Cambodian citizens who face the drought. The meeting was ...

General Tea Banh 2016 Visit to Soldiers Stationing along Islands...

16-Apr-2016 19:13 PM

Click Here to Watch the Video from our Facebook ...

Joint Team from MOD and MEF Visit Ream Naval Base...

22-Feb-2016 03:50 AM

On 21 February 2016, a joint team of MOD and MEF chaired by Secretary of State of Ministry of Economy and Finance H.E. Vongsey Visoth accompanied by General Sum Samnang, the director of Department General of Logistics and Finance, and General Chao Phirun, the director general of materials and tec...

Food Support Team Visits Cadet School...

22-Feb-2016 02:46 AM

Food Support Team of MOD's Department General of Logistics and Finance visited facilities in Cadet School on 18 February 2016. This type of inspection started since more than 3 years ago with the aim to improve food regimes, health and cooking areas of military units.   ...

Seventy Students Finish their Level 1 Nursing Training Course...

23-Jan-2016 02:10 AM

Training Center of Military Region 3 conducted an exit exam for 70 students who have completed their promotion 5 course of level 1 nursing skill. Out of the 70 students, 30 are females. The exam was conducted on 20 and 21 January 2016 and chaired by Brigadier General Chan Daravuth, the deputy...

General Sum Samnang Decorates Medals to Chinese Doctors...

19-Jan-2016 16:59 PM

On 19 January 2016, General Sum Samnang, the director general of Logistics and Finance of Ministry of National Defense of Cambodia, decorated the Cambodian Medal of Sahakmetrei in the class of Assarith and handed over certificate of appreciation to Chinese doctors for the training to Cambodian do...

Preah Ketomealea Receives Medical Equipment from China ...

23-Dec-2015 18:43 PM

Preah Ketomealea Hospital has received medical equipment worth about 2.5 million U.S. dollars on 17 December 2015. The handover ceremony was held between Chinese Ambassador to Cambodia Bu Jianguo and Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Tea Banh. Ten types of medical equip...

LTG Tob Saron Leads Another Mission for Dental Treatment...

13-Dec-2015 20:30 PM

Due to success from treatement in November and the needs for dental treatment in Prey Veng, One-2-one Cambodia extended another mission to serve another mission from 7 to 11 December 2015 in Svay Anthor district, Prey Veng province. The mission was facililtate again by  LTG Tob Saron, deputy...

General Sum Samnang Visits the Rice Crop Harvest in Division 3...

22-Nov-2015 01:18 AM

Last week, combined delegates from Ministry of National Defense and Ministry of Economy-Finance visited and joined the rice crop harvest in division 3. Director General of Logistics and Finance General Sum Samnang learned more about rice crop production for this year. The result showed that t...

LGT Tob Sarorn Leads Medical Team to Provide Humanitarian Treatment ...

02-Nov-2015 01:50 AM

Japanese volunteers of One-2-one Cambodia has conducted a humanitarian dental checkup and treatment to poor people in Siem Reap province from 1 to 3 November 2015. The mission was led and facilitated by LTG Mrs. Tob Sarorn, the deputy general of logistics and finance. During the 3 day mission...

DoH Conducts Disease Surveillance Using SMS...

25-Oct-2015 07:44 AM

On 20 October 2015, Department of Health, Department General of Logistics and Finance, Ministry of National Defense, conducted a training workshop with US Navy experts on disease surveillance using SMS. This is a simple technique but effective and quick to share information about disease outb...

NAMRU Delegates Receives Medals and Award from DoH...

06-Oct-2015 08:42 AM

Recognizing the achievement and good cooperation, Department of Health of General Department of Logistics and Finance conducted a medal decoration to  NAMRU on 6 October 2015 at Ream Naval Base; the event was presided over by DoH LTG Kong Saly. NAMRU has been assisting in data collection...

General Sum Samnang Joins to Talk about Economy and Visits Life Suppor...

01-Oct-2015 09:13 AM

In the morning of 1 October 2015, General Sum Samnang, the director general of logifics and finance, joined the talked about Cambodian economy and visited the life support activities at Cambodian National University of Defense. The event was also witnessed by MOD's undersecretariate of St...

Mobile Medical Team of MOND Provides Treatment Near Cambodian Loa Bord...

28-Sep-2015 01:45 AM

From 27 to 28 September, mobile medical team of Cambodian Ministry of National Defense, under cooperation with Samdech Techo Hun Sen, including 31 medical team members, led by Brigadier General Mey Thornara, deputy director of health, conducted a humanitarian medical treatment to local residents ...

Sra Em Hospital Closes its First Hospital 1 Training...

07-Sep-2015 19:32 PM

Recently, Sra Em Hospital closed its first level 1 hospital to 60 nurses who attended the training for over a year. The ceremony was presided over by LTG Kong Saly, who is the director of health department, Ministry of National Defense of Cambodia. The training started since 16 June 2014. It ...

General Sum Samnang Presides over Ground Breaking Ceremony of Eyes and...

03-Sep-2015 04:03 AM

In the morning of 3 September 2015, General Sum Samnang, the director general of logistics and finance, Ministry of National defense, presided over te groundbreaking ceremony for bone and eye treatment facility construction at Preah Ketomealea hospital, under the donation from Ministry of Defense...

Life Support Improvement Team Visit PKO Training Center...

25-Aug-2015 18:48 PM

As part of its regular visit, the Life Support team went to inspect the Training School for Multinational Peacekeeping Forces. Royal Cambodian Armed Forces has been sending peacekeepers to many countries such as Lebanon, Chad, South Sudan, South Africa. Life support has been able to assist th...

Life Support Teams Visits Headquarter of Sub Operational Zone of Takeo...

21-Aug-2015 05:00 AM

In recent weeks, life support teams visited Headquarter of Sub Operational Zone of Takeo province. The visit is a regular visit to monitor, evaluate the progress and to feedback. At the same month, another team has also visit the activities of food supplies provision from local vendors to the...

Samdech Techo Sra Em Hospital Conducts Examination...

10-Aug-2015 23:45 PM

In the morning of 10 August 2015, sixty two trainees coming from military zone 4, took the exit exam containing theories and practical demonstration at Samdech Techo Sra Em Hospital. The training started since 16 June 2014. It was hoped that the trainees would strengthen military health servi...

Inter-Ministerial Working Group Enhances Life Support Activiites to Ar...

06-Aug-2015 18:37 PM

4 August 2015, Director General of Logistics and Finance General Sum Samnang, Economy Ministry Secretary of State Vong Seyvisoth and Deputy Commander of Cambodian Army LTG Hun Manet chaired a meeting at Army Institute to disseminate economic works and visit life support activities. Speaking t...

Health Department Distributes Microscope to West Border Units...

07-Jul-2015 17:31 PM

On 4 July 2015, health department received 6 microscopes, donated by AFRIMS, to border units under supervision of brigade 41, located in Banteay Mean Chey province, through malaria elimination project. The microscope handover event was presided over by deputy director of health department Maj...

General Sum Samnang Breaks the Ground for Truck Repair Workshop...

01-Jul-2015 03:17 AM

On 1 July 2015, at Transportation Brigade 99, there was a groundbreaking ceremony for truck repair workshop under the support from Chinese Liberation Army. The event was chaired by General Sum Samnang, the director general of logistics and finance, and Lt Col Ly Ning Ya, the defense attaché...

NAMRU Delegate Makes a Courtesy Visit to General Sum Samnang ...

24-Jun-2015 09:20 AM

  In the morning of 24 June 2015, at the General Department of Logistics and Finance, Ministry of National Defense, delegate of NAMRU, led by Navy Captain Worn, commander Poutry and colleagues, made courtesy visit with General Sum Samnang, Director General of Logistics and Finance. N...

Life Support Team Visits Kg Chhnang Sub-Operational Region...

24-Jun-2015 07:00 AM

Recently, Life Support Team visited Kg Chhnang sub-operational region, inspecting kitchen areas, kitchen ware storage, gardens, and shared good lesson learned to further improve the headquarter. ...

LTG Pich Chhoeun Delivers Donation to Center 317 Phnom Chat...

27-May-2015 23:12 PM

On 21 May 2015, LTG Pich Chhoeun, Deputy Director General of Logistics and Finance, delivered a vehicle and personal donation for Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Defense, to Disabled Development Center 317 Phnom Chat, located in Svay Chek commune, Svay Chek district, Banteay Mean Chey province...

Ketomealea and DOH Provide Training at CMAC...

22-May-2015 22:12 PM

From 18 to 29 May 2019, four medical trainers from Preah Ketomealea and Department of Health jointed concducted training with 4 trainers from Cambodian MIne Action Center. The training was supported by 4 US Navy trainers based in Okinawa, Japan. The training was paticipated by 20 students fro...

Division 3 Receives Tractors and Rice Seeds...

26-Apr-2015 18:55 PM

On 26 April 2015, Division 3 received some tractors and rice seeds from Men Sarun Co., Ltd and inter-ministerial working group before rainy season starts. In order to improve livelihood of soldiers and their families, General Department of Logistics and Finance created activities to encourage...

Mobile Medical Team of MOND Provides Treatment Near Cambodian Thai Bor...

06-Apr-2015 02:13 AM

From 5 to 6 April 2015, mobile medical team of Cambodian Ministry of National Defense, under cooperation with Pursat provincial department of health in military region 5 and medical team from batalion 145, led by Brigadier General Mey Thornara, deputy director of health, conducted a humanitarian ...

Major General Yim Khim Opens Training on Kitchen Management and Cookin...

27-Mar-2015 04:24 AM

On the morning of 16 March 2015, 08:00 am, Major General Yim Khim, deputy director of Supplies, opened a new training course of kitchen management and cooking course in Intervention Division 3 and conducted a visit at cooking facilities of training school of the division. The opening of this ...

Hospital 179 Tests for Ebola to Returned Personnel from Mali ...

27-Mar-2015 03:39 AM

Recently, Preah Ketomealea Hospital conduced rapid tests for malaria and Ebola to Cambodian soldiers returning from peacekeeping operation in Mali. Results showed that Cambodian soldiers remained health and free of malaria parasite and Ebola virus.  ...

Medical Staff Attends Another FMR Training...

15-Jan-2015 09:27 AM

Humanitarian Mine Action Medical First Responder Training Course was completed with a better medical capacity. Medical personnel from Department of Health of Ministry of Defense and CMAC conducted the training on Medical First Response under the support of 3rd Medical First Responder Logistic...

General Sum Samnang Visit Troops Along Land and Sea Borders of Militar...

14-Jan-2015 09:52 AM

On 10 and 11 January 2015, General Sum Samnang led a delegate from Ministry of National Defense and attended by delegate from Ministry of Economy and Finance lead by H.E Vongsey Visoth to visit land and sea borders in military region 3. During the visit, the joint delegates visited a road b...